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So Close...

Well, tomorrow we send off all of our papers... we spent this weekend certifying our last documents, making copies of the dossier, checking to make sure everything looks right and is in the right order, checking again, and checking again. I'd take a picture of the entire packet we're shipping off, but I'm too nervous about something happening to one of those precious little slips of paper! You'll just have to trust me that it is huge!

We also spent some concentrated time praying alone and together to ask God's blessing on this next phase of our adoption and this next phase of our lives.

Here's a snapshot of how we're feeling now...

  • We're so close to having our child/children! We're in the homestretch, and Lord-willing, by this time next year, we'll be holding our precious little baby/babies!
  • For God's constant care for us- it is so evident that He is orchestrating all of the details of our lives! We trust Him and we rest in His love and care for us!
  • For the support of so many of our family and friends. Many of you have prayed for us, donated money, bought t-shirts, and shared in our excitement. When we bring our child home, it will have been a community effort! Words cannot express our gratitude...
  • God's way of ordering our lives is better than we could choose for ourselves. We trust and rest in His sovereign will. We have absolutely no control over how long this next phase will take or which child we will get... but God knows. And He has known for all of eternity. All of the remaining details (along with everything else), are working exactly according to His perfect plan.   


Corrie and Phil said...

Wonderful! We, too, are praying for you and the whole process. Thanks for the updates, and please continue to keep us posted.

Did you order the shirts today? CAN'T WAIT!!! :)

Mindy said...

So excited for you! I remember sitting at the post office and just praying over the papers being sent to help us reach our child. It is AMAZING to see God's hand in an adoption...so excited to be "on this journey" with you!