Today marks 3 months of being on the “official” waitlist. We don’t know our “official” number on the list, but“unofficially” we’re 17th in line for a boy.
Some months our agency processes many referrals (in October, there were 8 infant boys referred to families) and other months are much more quiet (the past two months, barely any).
We would really appreciate your prayers, and here are some specific ways that you can join us in prayer:
For Ethiopia:
- Pray for the many, many orphans in Ethiopia; pray that they will be united to loving families
- Pray that God would raise up more people to adopt from this beautiful country
- Pray for the protection of the children; pray that they would have someone to love and care for them while they wait for their "forever families"
- There are many children stuck in the system right now; pray that our agency would be able to obtain the necessary paperwork so that these children can be referred to the waiting families
- Pray that the court process would go smoothly for families; pray that the adoptions would be finalized and the children would be able to go home to their families
- Pray for referrals- more children going to more families!
- Pray that America World would continue to find favor with the Ethiopian government and that God would bless their efforts in Ethiopia
- Pray that the Lord would bless and multiply our ministry to orphans
- Pray that Christ’s love for the fatherless would be dwelling within us
- Pray that we would honor God by trusting and resting in him during this time of waiting
- Pray that God himself would be our highest joy and satisfaction
- Pray that we would receive our referral soon!